Body Wraps are provided by a trained wrap professional. The process is sanitary, warm, and comfortable (we follow strict COVID-19 hygiene guideline. All items used are disposal, body wrap room is sanitized after each use). The wraps act upon all factors that
cause body misshaping, including excess fluids, trapped waste, cellulite, and tissue weakness.
With this ability, along with the natural ingredients in the cream, inch loss is just one of the benefits of the Body Wrap. Other advantages include re-contouring, skin hydration and smoothing, the restoration of blood circulation, and the cleansing of body tissues for improved health.
Step One: Consultation. The client fills out a short questionnaire designed to help
determine client goals and any pertinent medical information. This form is emailed to
client when appointment is booked and client will email completed form 72 hours prior to
appointment date to info@reinventubootcamps.com -
Step Two: Preparation. The client will come to the wrap appointment freshly bathed,
without any lotions or perfumes on the body. If the client normally shaves their legs,
the legs should be shaved the night before the wrap, rather than the same day. Client
will bring a small bikini swimsuit or bikini panties and bra, along with anklet socks for
warmth, which they will change into once inside a private treatment room. -
Step Three: Application of Body Wrap Cream. Body wrap slipping cream or detox
cream (depending elected service) is topically applied. It is absorbed into the cell region
and stimulates circulation while promoting tissue cleansing. The cream is not applied to
the face or or breast. -
Step Four: Wrap. Specialized plastic wrap is used to contour the body in order advance
the working ability of the cream. Plastic wrap helps to hold body heat in, thus aiding the
skin in absorption of the cream. Depending on treatment selected the client will either be
wrapped with plastic wrap or in osmatic wrap. -
Step Five: Relaxation. Once the client is wrapped, they are laid on a message table and
able to relax for 45-90 mins (depending on treatment), while the cream and wrap are put
to work. -
Step Six: Remove. The wrap is removed.
Step Seven: Complete the Treatment. Client should avoid showering for several hours
after the treatment, as the cream will continue to produce results. Many clients report an
additional inch-loss following the wrap. Client should drink water immediately following the wrap to help flush out any released toxins or waste.
Before/After Treatment Recommendations:
Body Contouring & Infrared Sauna Treatments
Drink 3 bottles of water before your appointment and continue to drink water after your
appointment and at least 2 liters of water the day after your treatment to flush out toxins
and waste. -
Eat a small snack 45 minutes to 1 hour before using the body wrap treatment.
Do not drink ANY alcohol or caffeine the day of, and the day after your treatment.
Do not eat 2-3 hours after treatment, especially fatty, greasy food.
Following your appointment, it is recommended to do at least 20 minutes of brisk
exercise to stimulate lymph system or schedule an appointment for our Whole Body
Vibration session for best results.
There are contraindications for treatments that include, but not limited to, pregnancy, nursing, infectious skin disease, open wound, skin infections, recent surgery, untreated high blood pressure, heart problems, thyroid disease and other hormonal disorders, pacemaker, any type of metal implants, blood clots, people on blood thinners, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, allergies, epilepsy, asthma, liver or kidney malfunction, lupus, untreated diabetes, auto immune diseases, HIV or AIDS, menstruation (abdominal area only) Intrauterine device (avoid abdomen), and cancer of any type. If you have a medical condition, it is imperative that you receive physician approval prior to treatment.